County Committee Report 12/1/2021

The first County Committee meeting of 2021 was held online on Tuesday January 12th. The Chairman Marc Sheehan welcomed everyone to the meeting and said how he looked forward to working with the clubs , board members and executive members and all those involved with Cork G.A.A. The minutes of the previous meeting (November 24th 2020) were proposed and seconded.

The Rúnaí raised a number of items of correspondence that had been received from Sarsfields Hurling Club re age grades, correspondence re Rebels Bounty, fixture enquiries and Inter County teams.

The Sarsfields’ correspondence related to games being provided for the in-between ages of 14 and 16. This has been forwarded to Rebel Óg for consideration.

In relation to the Rebels’ Bounty members draw, The Chairman said the draw was being promoted vigorously and significant engagement was taking place with clubs and members by our staff and the Support Committee. The first draws will take place in the Spring of the year based on the framework agreed before Christmas. Being conscious of the Covid-19 situation and based on feedback from clubs, the first three draws will be held on March 25th 2021.

The Chairman gave an update on inter-county appointments. A meeting of the Executive was held on December 28th at which Ronan McCarthy was reappointed as Senior Football Manager for a 2-year term along with outgoing selectors Cian O’ Neill and Sean Hayes. Newly appointed selectors are John Hayes (Carbery Rangers) and Bobbie O’ Dwyer (Macroom) The Chairman thanked outgoing selector Gary O’ Halloran (Ballinora) who is stepping down for personal reasons.

A Minor Football appointments committee has been set up and it is expected to have a management team finalised in the very near future.

The Chairman reiterated the Board’s commitment to full compliance with National Public Health Guidance and Association guidance as they pertain to all our units and teams. The Executive committee and Senior Football Team Management are presently engaged with Coiste Bainistí C.L.C.G. and we await the finalisation of this process.

The Rúnaí read out a number of Inter-County reports on games that were held in November and December. The Chairman warmly congratulated the Under 20 Hurling panel and management on their Munster final win on December 23rd.

The Rúnaí referred to the progress report. It was highlighted the monthly schedule of meetings and they will be held on the first Tuesday of every month.

The Chairman announced that nominations had been received for members of the County Committee to sit on the Executive. These are Mick Lyons (Araglen – Junior Club representative) , Donal McSweeney (Ballinora – Intermediate Club Representative) , Tony McAuliffe (Lismire / Duhallow – Divisional Representative) and Tom Wilson (Newcestown – Senior Club Representative ) and all these were deemed elected. Marc welcomed Tom to the Executive committee.

A C.C.C. report was given by the Rúnaí. A summary of fixtures was provided. The National calendar had been sent out to the clubs. This entailed a dedicated 12 week only for clubs , and the Rúnaí acknowledged that 12 weeks is very tight in Cork especially for dual clubs. He said the C.C.C .were looking at provisionally starting championships 2 weeks early on the weekends of the All-Ireland Senior Finals and if Cork were in the finals then Championship would be deferred. In relation to the completion of the 2020 competitions, it is clear that the dates previously advised for early March cannot be achieved and it is hoped these games in late June or early July, prior to the 2021 competitions commence but a bigger window is needed to complete the Junior competitions. In relation to the leagues, the C.C.C .are trying to preserve 50% with the amount of league games being played being halved . The Rúnaí said a very successful meeting with Divisions was held on Monday evening. In relation to the Junior B competitions, priority would be given to the open Junior B county. The Rúnaí said he doesn’t see 2020 County Under 21 county competitions being completed. The Rúnaí said the draws had been planned for late January but this has been deferred until early February where either/or teams being used where winners / relegation has to be finalised. Independent team for Under 21 are currently being vetted and this will be all done in advance of the February meeting. The Rúnaí said there will not be any County Junior leagues this year.

Munster Council delegate Ger Lane confirmed a Munster Council meeting on Thursday of this week with a report to follow.

Central Council delegate Tracey Kennedy gave an update of a Central Council meeting on December 18th . The next Central Council meeting will be on January 30th.

The County Treasurer , Diarmuid Gowen, referred to a recent County Treasurers’ meeting. A funding support package is available for insurance. Clubs who wish to avail of this support must respond to the questionnaire they have received by Friday week January 22nd , Diarmuid encouraged clubs to fill it out.

The Vice-Chairman Pat Horgan spoke briefly in relation to the C.C.C. He said the C.C.C was working away with a number of meetings being held and they looked forward to working with the clubs and Divisions for the year ahead.

The Chairman said that Referees administrator Niall Barrett and the referee committee are recruiting new referees and he asked that all clubs provide at least one referee.

The Chairman confirmed that a Sponsorship agreement had been concluded with Sports Direct in early December 2020 and the Board looks forward to the formal launch of this arrangement in the near future. It is a matter of regret to the Board that information had come into the public domain prior to the intended launch of this arrangement. The Chairman acknowledged the generous sponsorship and support of Chill Insurance over the past number of years. The Board looks forward to providing the detail of our Sponsorship arrangements at our next meeting. He also confirmed that the Football Leagues would be sponsored by Cork Credit Unions and the Hurling Leagues by Cork’s Red FM.

The Chairman stated that the allocation of County Board match passes is being reviewed at the moment and a recommendation will be provided at the February meeting.

Votes of Sympathy for deceased members were recorded.

The Chairman concluded the meeting by urging members to comply fully with Public Health Guidance to help curb the spread of the Coronavirus.

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday February 2nd at 8pm.