Green Clubs Programme
What is the Green Club Programme?
The Green Club Programme was established to support Gaelic Games clubs in taking simple and effective sustainability action in their grounds and activities. The Programme is structured around the themes of Energy, Water, Waste, Biodiversity and Travel & Transport and is designed to promote sustainability awareness and action in GAA clubs and communities.
Phase 1 of the Green Club Programme ran from 2021 to 2023 with the participation of over 30 clubs from across Ireland. These trail-blazing Green Clubs established Green Teams, carried out club audits and engaged in exciting sustainability partnerships and projects. The experience and input of the Phase 1 Green Clubs led to the development of the GAA’s first-ever Green Club Toolkit
What is the Green Club Toolkit and where can I find it?
The GAA Green Club Toolkit was launched in December 2022. It contains resources, advice and guidance, tailored especially for GAA clubs and members, in the areas of Energy, Water, Waste, Biodiversity and Travel & Transport. The Toolkit also contains inspiring, practical case studies from Green Clubs from across the island of Ireland.
The Toolkit is available to all GAA, LGFA and Camogie clubs and members at:
You can also click on the map below to find key actions for each thematic area.
GAA Green Club Map
Who else is involved in the Green Club Programme?
The Green Club Programme is a partnership between the GAA, LGFA and Camogie Association and local authorities across Ireland. This partnership had its origins in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Champions Programme launched by the Department of Communication, Climate Action, and Environment in September 2019. Both the GAA and Carlow County Council were among the twelve inaugural SDG Champions and their initial collaboration led to the signing of a Green Club Memorandum of Understanding between the local authority County and City Management Association (CCMA) and the Gaelic Games organisations and an ongoing-working relationship between the GAA and the Climate Action Regional Offices. The GAA is continuing as an SDG Champion in the current iteration of the programme for 2023/24, with Clare County Council now representing the Local Authority sector. For more info visit
Both the Green Club Programme and the Green Club Toolkit have been developed with the expert input of organisations and agencies from across the island of Ireland. Details of these are included under the ‘Partners’ tab above
What do Green Clubs do?
Take a look at some of the Green Club Case Studies at