Protocol Guides for Events attended by the Uachtarán
This Protocol Guide is intended to assist those responsible for planning and conducting functions or events attended by the Uachtarán and serves to enhance the image of both the club/unit and the Association.
Any club/unit/organisation/individual requesting the Uachtarán’s attendance at an event should send a letter of invitation to his office as early as possible and no less than four weeks prior to the event.
The letter of invitation should provide the following details:
- Title of the event
- Purpose of event
- Date, time and expected duration of event
- Event venue
- The President’s role at the event
The Uachtarán’s Office shall be
- issued with a running order of the event/function at least one week in advance of the event/function.
- be notified in advance of other attending dignitaries.
- shall be notified in advance if it is intended to present him with a gift during the event/function.
The host club/unit/organisation/individual will be responsible for providing information for the speech to be delivered by the President. This should be submitted one week prior to the event for approval.
All relevant correspondence should be submitted to Teresa Rehill, Operations Manager (
The Uachtarán shall be met and escorted during the visit by a nominated person who shall be notified to Teresa in advance.
The Uachtarán shall be seated at the ‘Top Table’ with other dignitaries.
The Uachtarán shall be the main speaker at GAA events and his speech shall be the last speech delivered.
The Uachtarán shall be the key person to make presentations/present a trophy/open a pitch etc.
It is unacceptable to lobby the Uachtarán during his visit.
Uachtarán Protocol 2018
Protocol Guides for Events attended by the Uachtarán
This Protocol Guide is intended to assist those responsible for planning and conducting functions or events attended by the Uachtarán and serves to enhance the image of both the club/unit and the Association.
Any club/unit/organisation/individual requesting the Uachtarán’s attendance at an event should send a letter of invitation to his office as early as possible and no less than four weeks prior to the event.
The letter of invitation should provide the following details:
The Uachtarán’s Office shall be
The host club/unit/organisation/individual will be responsible for providing information for the speech to be delivered by the President. This should be submitted one week prior to the event for approval.
All relevant correspondence should be submitted to Teresa Rehill, Operations Manager (
The Uachtarán shall be met and escorted during the visit by a nominated person who shall be notified to Teresa in advance.
The Uachtarán shall be seated at the ‘Top Table’ with other dignitaries.
The Uachtarán shall be the main speaker at GAA events and his speech shall be the last speech delivered.
The Uachtarán shall be the key person to make presentations/present a trophy/open a pitch etc.
It is unacceptable to lobby the Uachtarán during his visit.