Community Call Booklet

Please find attached a booklet about the ‘Community Call’ initiative, this booklet will be delivered to households later in the week. As well as those in need of help, this booklet urges those who wish to volunteer to contact the Helplines .

The Community Call – Advice and Contact Information for Your County

Webinar Wednesday with Barry Corkery

Webinar Wednesday continues this Wednesday at 8pm, with Barry Corkery speaking about “Maintaining a strong mental health at this time”.

This should be of value to everybody, not just coaches. There are only 100 places available, and for anybody who wishes to join in, please contact Cork GDA Colm Crowley on twitter (by direct message) for a link @CorkGDACCrowley

Advice for online training sessions -Aibreán 6ú 2020

Please find attached two documents relating to the safe and secure staging of on-line training sessions for our players and teams.

The first document provides guidelines around organising these sessions, explaining safeguards that must be taken.

The second is a guide to using ‘Microsoft Teams’, an online collaborative tool which is available to holders of official GAA email addresses and can be used to organise club activities with members

This information should be shared with anyone organising this type of training within your club/county

Organising Online Exercise and Coaching Sessions for Young People FINAL

Teams User Guide (1)



GAA Coach Webinar Series

A Chairde,
Firstly, thanks to all that have registered for the GAA Coach Webinar series 2020. I wanted to drop you a note to update you on the schedule and inform you about further registration details.
So far in excess of 900 participants have registered for the event, with 1/3 of these returning for all three sessions so far. Each session has been fully subscribed. All presentations and resources provided by the presenters are now available on the GAA Learning site –
The programme of events has been completed up until the end of April. Beginning next week we have:
  • Tuesday, April 7th – Q and A – Owen Mooney,
  • Thursday, April 9th – Webinar – Gerard O’Connor, Games Development Manager, Dublin GAA
  • Tuesday, April 14th – Q and A – Stuart Lancaster, Senior Coach, Leinster Rugby
  • Thursday, April 16th – Webinar – Dr. Damien Young, Performance Analyst Tipperary Senior Hurlers / Cliodhna O’Connor, Coach, Dublin Senior Hurlers and Orlaith Curran, Athletic Development Coach, IRFU*
  • Tuesday, April 21st – Q and A – Liam Moggan, Coach Educator
  • Thursday, April 23rd – Webinar – Shane Keegan, former Manager Wexford Youths, Galway United
  • Tuesday, April 28th – Q and A – Prof Wade Gilbert, Fresno State University, California. Coach, Canadian Olympic Softball Team
  • Thursday, April 30th – Webinar – Johnny Bradley, Programme Director MSc Sports Performance Analysis, Carlow IT
* Note that the April 16th Webinar event will be two separate webinars. One involving Dr Damien Young, and the second involving Cliodhna O’Connor and Orlaith Curran.
Please note that each new session involves a new registration period. Any coach that has registered previously must register for any individual session that they wish to attend. This is because each new session involves a new set of log on details that are sent out electronically on the day of each session.
Registration opens at 9pm following the completion of each session. A valid email address is required for each registration.
Registration for the upcoming session involving Owen Mooney, as well as details of the session to be presented are available at
I hope that you are enjoying the series and that you will continue to attend over the coming weeks.
Dr. Peadar Ó hArgan/ Dr. Peter Horgan
Oifigeach Oideachais / Education Officer

Covid-19 Correspondence for GAA Units – Aibreán 3 2020

A Chairde,

We hope you, your families, members and friends are keeping well since we were last in touch.

Thank you for your ongoing support and attached are further guidelines addressing some of the issues that have been raised by our clubs and counties recently.

Included is advice and updates around the following:

  • Pitch maintenance (which is permitted within certain guidelines)
  • GAA Volunteer guidelines for all Volunteers (both 26 and Six Counties)
  • Emergency template for access to GAA facilities
  • Individual county by county contact numbers for Local Government Community Support (only 26 Counties set up at this point)
  • An open letter to our members
  • Latest HSE advice and information

Yesterday the Irish government launched the ‘Community Call’ initiative which aims to encourage everyone to assist those in need of help in their immediate locality.

The GAA’s ‘Club Together’ Initiative with SuperValu and Centra falls under the auspices of this government plan and much of the information provided along with this email relates back to the Government programme.

While of immediate relevance to our units operating in the 26 counties, much of it is applicable to all of our units.

The most successful and best attended GAA games development initiative each year is our Kelloggs Cúl Camps programme.

In this regard the association is committed, and planning is ongoing, to provide a Cúl Camp programme in 2020 for our young Gaelic games enthusiasts over the summer.

We are looking forward to arrival of 172,000 kits starting the end of April.

For more and regular updates stay in touch with our website.

Once again, we would like to re-iterate our gratitude to you all for helping us and the country as a whole at this challenging time.

The community spirit shown across a raft of different but equally vital initiatives and the adherence to the government guidelines has been hugely important in our collective efforts to deal with the Covid-19 outbreak.

As ever, queries can be sent to

We appreciate there is a considerable amount of information attached with this email and while all of it may not be relevant to every GAA unit, club and county officers can decide what is of most use to them and their members and use accordingly.

Please stay safe and continue to play your part with social distancing, cocooning and coughing/sneezing etiquette.

Go raibh maith agaibh,

Tomás Ó Riain      Seán Ó hÓráin

Ard Stiúrthóir         Uachtarán

Please use this link to download posters for messaging purposes:

AS and Uachtarán Message

Essential Works and Property Checks

Covid 19 Home Crime Prevention Advice

COVID_19 Advice gov volunteer supports

COVID_19 Comm Response Contact Info

Covid-19 Club Emergency Poster

Framework for Community Support-Information Leaflet (1)

GAA Covid-19 GAA 26 Counties