- 30/08/2024 19:00
- 19:00
- Ibane Gaels
- - v -
- Ibane Gaels
- Brian Dillons
Referee: Olan O'Donovan
Comment: Conceded by Brian Dillons
Comment: Conceded by Brian Dillons
- 25/08/2024 11:00
- 11:00
- Ibane Gaels
- 10-18 v 3-5
- Ibane Gaels
- 10-18 v 3-5
- Grenagh
- Grenagh
Referee: Michael Collins
Comment: Clash with U14 Final moved from 30/6/24
Comment: Clash with U14 Final moved from 30/6/24
- 28/07/2024 11:00
- 11:00
- Inniscarra
- 6-20 v 2-5
- Inniscarra
- 6-20 v 2-5
- Ibane Gaels
- Ibane Gaels
Referee: Eddie O Sullivan
- 27/07/2024 00:00
- 00:00
- St Dominics
- - v -
- St Dominics
- Grenagh
Referee: Dave Farrell Sr
Comment: Conceded by Grenagh
Comment: Conceded by Grenagh
- 25/07/2024 00:00
- 00:00
- Brian Dillons
- - v -
- Brian Dillons
- Cobh
Referee: Chris Broderick
Comment: Conceded by Cobh
Comment: Conceded by Cobh
- 30/06/2024 00:00
- 00:00
- St Dominics
- - v -
- St Dominics
- Cobh
Referee: John Aherne
Comment: Conceded by Cobh
Comment: Conceded by Cobh