Having laid in an unmarked grave for 80 years, the new memorial is a fitting tribute to Timothy Downey, a Cork-born star of the GAA.
Cork All Ireland medal winner buried in unmarked grave in Glasnevin Cemetery.
On 8th November 2022, Uachtaráin Chumann Luthchleas Gael Labhras Mc Cárthaigh unveiled a memorial headstone on the grave of fellow Corkman Timothy ‘Ted’ Downey in Glasnevin cemetery Dublin. This was the culmination of research conducted by Midleton clubmen Vincent O’Neill and John Fenton into the history of the Midleton team of 1890 who brought the first All-Ireland senior football title to Leeside. In researching these largely forgotten players the researchers have tracked their paths to many corners of the world with fascinating results. These men were the giants on whose shoulders the modern-day players stand and their commitment and dedication to the game and the Association set the standards for future players to aspire to. While the main focus on the day in Glasnevin was on Timothy ‘Ted’ Downey, his former Midleton playing colleague William Colbert, who too is buried in Glasnevin cemetery, (within 200 metres of Timothy Downey’s grave) was also remembered and honoured.
It is indeed fitting that these two great Corkmen Timothy Downey and William Colbert and their colleagues are remembered and honoured because they wore their colours with pride and set the standards for others to follow.